Cleaning Services

Technological University of the Shannon

Partnership since March 2020


As a renowned institute of third level education, it was of pivotal importance for Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) to receive a premium cleaning service. It needed to cater to the intricate requirements of four campuses and buildings accommodating 6,900 students. We had to provide an elite level of service that gave the client peace of mind, and which could adapt to the busy collegiate environment. TUS had also ensured their strong environmental policy featured throughout the building and needed a partner who could support that. Rising to the challenge, we not only delivered the exceptional standards required, but did so through a smooth mobilisation that left the client delighted.

The Challenge

Our vast experience in third level education environments allowed us to anticipate the various challenges ahead. The geographical challenge lay with the four campuses being located across North Munster. Due to the scale of the campus operations, we also needed to consider the specific tasks required for the libraries, computer rooms, ceramic workshop, canteens, lecture theatres, classrooms, dressing rooms and admin offices.

The Solution

Commencing a large, comprehensive project involving various locations, each with unique requirements, we relied on the experience of our operations team within the Education sector and focused on training all employees on site. To deliver an optimum service from day one, we had to closely analyse all details of the buildings from the plans. We worked closely with administration to understand the time frames within which services could operate, taking class timetables into consideration. From there, we developed a full specification and time and motion study. We detailed each requirement, building by building and room by room. We then quickly adjusted our processes, approach and specification once in the building as individual challenges presented themselves.


The various unusual surfaces provided a challenge in identifying appropriate cleaning products. Following an in-depth review, we chose high performance products that could support all cleaning jobs for each building – one for food preparation areas, and another for all other surfaces. These super concentrated products have many environmental benefits, thus supporting our client’s environmental agenda. They take up less space resulting in lower transport costs, fewer CO2 emissions and less storage capacity. Of course, this innovative approach to our cleaning products also simplifies stock management, staff training, COSHH risk and cleaning processes.

Staff Considerations

Another challenging element of the contract centred around the staff transferred through TUPE. We needed to upskill an existing team to manage a new building with new surfaces, new daily work patterns, new products, and a more challenging spec. Following a full staff analysis, we provided tailored in–house training to all staff, to one of three levels depending on the requirements of their role. An exciting aspect of this exercise was identifying staff whose potential had not been realised up to that point and providing them with career opportunities.

The Results

Performance measurement is key. Our auditing software is tailored to the client’s demanding spec, providing both them and us with real-time information. This enables efficient management of any cleaning issues. A rigorous four-hour audit is performed every month with the TUS Facilities Manager, covering almost 200 different checks. Our average inspection scores have remained excellent – consistently in the high 90s since the start of the contract. In addition, ad hoc feedback from the client has been hugely positive, and individual members of our team were recognised by TUS for their performance during the mobilisation.

TUS nominated a Grosvenor operative for our Extra Mile Awards

“ Alice always goes above and beyond her duties, she is dedicated and continuously works on her own initiative. She is an asset to our organisation and to Grosvenor’s. ”

Diane Whyte
Assistant Buildings Office, TUS